If you’ve been playing Elden Ring with the Seamless Co-op mod and want to transfer your progress back to the vanilla game, follow these steps carefully to avoid save corruption or bans.

1. Backup Your Save File (Important!)

✔ Go to your Elden Ring save directory:


✔ Find your Seamless Co-op save (usually a different folder from the vanilla save).
✔ Copy and store a backup somewhere safe in case of issues.

2. Disable Seamless Co-op Mod

✔ Open Steam and right-click Elden RingProperties.
✔ In the Launch Options, remove:


✔ Delete or move the seamlesscoop.dll and seamlesscoopsettings.ini from the game directory.

3. Rename and Move Your Seamless Co-op Save

✔ Inside your Seamless Co-op save folder, find the save file (ER0000.sl2).
✔ Copy it to the vanilla save directory (the main Elden Ring save folder).
✔ Replace the existing ER0000.sl2 file (or rename the original vanilla save to keep a backup).

4. Launch Elden Ring in Vanilla Mode

✔ Start Elden Ring without mods and check if your save loads correctly.
✔ If the game says “Incompatible Save”, follow the next step.

5. Revalidate the Save (If Needed)

✔ If the game won’t recognize the save, delete ER0000.sl2.bak (if it exists).
✔ Restart Elden Ring, and it may revalidate the save automatically.
✔ If errors persist, use Steam’s “Verify Integrity of Game Files” option in properties.

6. Go Online (After Ensuring Safety)

✔ If you used modded items or cheats, consider using “Save Scrubber” or a new character to avoid bans.
✔ Once safe, enable Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) and play vanilla online.


To transfer your Seamless Co-op save to vanilla, move the save file, disable the mod, and restart Elden Ring. Ensure you remove modded items before going online to prevent bans.

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By Mubashir Ahmed

Mubashir Ahmed – Researcher & Content Writer at erome.solutions. Passionate about creating well-researched and informative articles across various topics.

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