“Notify Anyway” is a feature in Focus Mode (Do Not Disturb) that allows contacts to bypass your silence settings and send urgent notifications. If you want to disable it, follow these steps:

1. Turn Off Notify Anyway for Specific Contacts

✔ Open the Messages app.
✔ Select the conversation where “Notify Anyway” appears.
✔ Tap on the contact’s name at the top.
✔ Tap “Info” → Select “Turn Off Notify Anyway.”

2. Disable Notify Anyway for Focus Modes

✔ Open SettingsFocus.
✔ Select the Focus Mode (e.g., Do Not Disturb, Sleep, Work).
✔ Tap Focus StatusTurn Off “Share Focus Status”.
✔ This prevents others from seeing Notify Anyway when you have Focus Mode enabled.

3. Remove Focus Mode from Sharing Your Status

✔ Open SettingsPrivacy & Security.
✔ Tap Focus → Toggle Off “Share Focus Status” for all contacts.
✔ This stops iMessage from letting others know when you’re in Focus Mode.

4. Disable Focus Mode Entirely (If Needed)

✔ Open Control Center (Swipe down from the top-right corner).
✔ Tap the Focus icon to turn off Do Not Disturb, Work, or other active Focus modes.


To turn off “Notify Anyway”, disable “Share Focus Status” in Focus Mode settings, remove it from specific contacts, or turn off Focus Mode entirely. This stops people from bypassing your Do Not Disturb settings.

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By Mubashir Ahmed

Mubashir Ahmed – Researcher & Content Writer at erome.solutions. Passionate about creating well-researched and informative articles across various topics.

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